BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//The National Aphasia Association - ECPv6.4.0.1//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for The National Aphasia Association REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20240310T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20241103T060000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20250309T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20251102T060000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241004T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241004T140000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20240606T182454Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240606T182454Z SUMMARY:Journey Through Speech Conversation Group DESCRIPTION:Group: Journey Through Speech\nTopic: Learn about travel and culture as we share facts\, stories\, and photos.\nLeaders: Craig Smith and Genevieve Richardson\nWhen: The first Friday of each month from 1-2pm EST\nWhere: We meet virtually on Zoom\nHow: Please fill out THIS FORM to be added to the email list. We will send a reminder and the Zoom link before each meeting. \n  \nMeet your group leaders: \nCraig Smith: 20 years ago I have had aphasia or stroke\, and I still like to travel.  International or states\, with 40 states and 4 continents traveled.  If I can do it\, you can do it too!!! \nGenevieve Richardson: Genevieve is the founder and owner of LIFE Speech Pathology\, a practice dedicated to bringing hope\, innovation\, and comprehensive support to the aphasia community. Visit to learn more. URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241009T200000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241009T210000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20231101T161723Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231101T161723Z SUMMARY:Parenting With Aphasia DESCRIPTION:Parenting is no easy feat\, but can be particularly challenging when one parent has aphasia. Parenting with Aphasia meets virtually once a month\, inviting parents with kids of all ages to join together in a safe\, non-judgmental space to share experiences\, receive positive peer support\, and learn more about how other parents are navigating the highs and lows of modern-day parenting when aphasia is along for the ride. This group is for persons with aphasia. We plan to have sessions where both parents join\, but the majority of sessions will be for persons with aphasia. \nParenting with Aphasia will meet on the second Wednesday of every month at 8:00pm EST (5:00pm PST). \nSpace is limited. To join\, please register by clicking HERE. \n  \nIf you have any questions\, please email \n_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ \nMeet Your Host:\n  \nParenting with Aphasia is hosted by Lauren Schwabish\, M.S.\, CCC-SLP of Neuro Speech Services in Northern Virginia. \nLauren Schwabish M.S.\, CCC-SLP is the owner of Neuro Speech Services\, a private practice based in Northern Virginia\, specializing in person-centered assessment and treatment of cognitive-communicative disorders related to stroke\, brain injury\, concussion\, and other neurologic and neurodegenerative conditions. Lauren received her Bachelor of Science degree with Honors in Communicative Disorders from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and holds a master’s degree in communication sciences from Hunter College of the City University of New York. She is licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia and is a certified member of the American Speech Language Hearing Association. She has over 21 years of experience working in hospitals and acute rehabilitation centers and is passionate about providing meaningful and accessible health education about the brain to patients\, families\, and health care professionals. Lauren is an engaging public speaker on the topics of memory and thinking skills\, committed to empowering communities with evidence-based information and best practices in brain health behaviors. \n  \nTo learn more about Neuro Speech Services\, click HERE \n  URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241010T163000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241010T173000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20240415T141438Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240415T141439Z SUMMARY:Technology and Supports for Aphasia DESCRIPTION:We will demonstrate ways you can use technology and various applications to support people with aphasia and expand upon one’s current home program. We will go beyond just the apps “made for people with aphasia” and show you how to use the many options\, personalize them\, and tailor them to your needs so you can become more independent in your environment. \n  \nBrooke Lang and Bryn Bowles of Integrative Reconnective Aphasia Therapy lead this group. Starting in October\, the group will meet on the first Thursday of the month at 4:30 pm Eastern Time on Zoom. \n  \nEmail Sign-Up: \nMeet the Leaders\nBrooke\nBrooke Lang\, M.A.\, CCC-SLP is a Speech Language Pathologist and owner of Integrative Reconnective Aphasia Therapy\, specializing in the area of Aphasiology and Apraxia and providing telepractice services nationwide. \nBrooke previously served as a lead clinician in the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System’s intensive aphasia program (PIRATE)\, working under some of the most well-known Aphasia research professionals and Aphasiologists in the field of speech pathology. \nShe started Integrative Reconnective Aphasia Therapy in March of 2019\, where she works to develop personalized treatment plans and provides innovative aphasia therapy techniques that go beyond the traditional approaches\, applying both principles of neuroplasticity and evidence-based practice. \nBrooke also published a best-selling book\, titled “After Aphasia: A guide to rebuilding your\ncommunication after a stroke\,” a resource for individuals living with Aphasia\, caregivers\, and medical professionals. She has also written “Working Outside the Workbook\,” providing an opportunity for individuals and care partners to implement unique speech/language exercises outside of therapy sessions. \nBryn\nAt age 26\, Bryn Bowles was working in Alaska as a Critical Care Registered Nurse in the Intensive Care Unit and preparing for graduate school. \nOn May 20\, 2019\, Bryn ruptured an undiagnosed brain aneurysm\, spent 30 days as a patient in the ICU being cared for by colleagues\, undergoing 5 brain surgeries to save her life. She spent 3 months as an inpatient in neuro rehabilitation. \nHer recovery continues today as she lives with aphasia\, apraxia and paralysis. Bryn’s dreams have changed but her compassion for others remains steadfast\, words or no words. She has a strong desire to help people with Aphasia\, because she understands the frustrations and challenges they are going through.She currently is a group facilitator and mentor for people with Aphasia. URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241014T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241014T170000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20231018T183731Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231127T160005Z SUMMARY:Black American Aphasia Conversation Group DESCRIPTION:The Black American Aphasia Conversation Group is a place for Black people with aphasia to share their stories\, provide support\, encourage meditative reflection\, and brainstorm ways to advocate for relevant policies. This diverse\, inclusive\, aphasia-friendly group will discuss the unique challenges and gifts we share due to our experiences with disability and race\, and is open to all who support its mission of creating an emotional refuge for Black persons living with aphasia. \n  \nThe Black American Aphasia Conversation Group will meet through Zoom the every other Monday at 4:00pm EST (1:00pm PST) . If you are interested in joining this group\, please complete the form HERE. The Zoom link will be sent out around 72 hours before each meeting. \n  \nIf you have any questions\, comments\, suggestions\, or need assistance signing up for this group\, please email URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241016T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241016T200000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20240530T191822Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240530T191822Z SUMMARY:Seated Yoga for Aphasia DESCRIPTION:This group starts with a guided meditation followed by a chair yoga class designed to promote relaxation. The class will end with open discussion about the experience. All ability levels are welcome! This group is led by Alycia Laks\, MS\, CCC-SLP\, RYT-200 and Hannah Herring\, DPT\, RYT-200 of District Adaptive Yoga. \nWe meet the third Wednesday of the month at 7 pm ET on Zoom. \nSpace is limited. Click to sign up by filling out the form. If you have comments or questions\, email \nMeet the Leaders\nAlycia Laks\, MS\, CCC-SLP\, RYT-200 and Hannah Herring\, PT\, DPT\, RYT-200 are co-owners of District Adaptive Yoga\, LLC. Alycia is a Speech-Language Pathologist and Registered Yoga Teacher. Hannah is a Physical Therapist and Registered Yoga Teacher. District Adaptive Yoga provides adaptive yoga services to people with neurologic conditions in the Washington\, DC area. For more information\, visit URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241028T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241028T170000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20231018T183731Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231127T160005Z SUMMARY:Black American Aphasia Conversation Group DESCRIPTION:The Black American Aphasia Conversation Group is a place for Black people with aphasia to share their stories\, provide support\, encourage meditative reflection\, and brainstorm ways to advocate for relevant policies. This diverse\, inclusive\, aphasia-friendly group will discuss the unique challenges and gifts we share due to our experiences with disability and race\, and is open to all who support its mission of creating an emotional refuge for Black persons living with aphasia. \n  \nThe Black American Aphasia Conversation Group will meet through Zoom the every other Monday at 4:00pm EST (1:00pm PST) . If you are interested in joining this group\, please complete the form HERE. The Zoom link will be sent out around 72 hours before each meeting. \n  \nIf you have any questions\, comments\, suggestions\, or need assistance signing up for this group\, please email URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241101T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241101T140000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20240606T182454Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240606T182454Z SUMMARY:Journey Through Speech Conversation Group DESCRIPTION:Group: Journey Through Speech\nTopic: Learn about travel and culture as we share facts\, stories\, and photos.\nLeaders: Craig Smith and Genevieve Richardson\nWhen: The first Friday of each month from 1-2pm EST\nWhere: We meet virtually on Zoom\nHow: Please fill out THIS FORM to be added to the email list. We will send a reminder and the Zoom link before each meeting. \n  \nMeet your group leaders: \nCraig Smith: 20 years ago I have had aphasia or stroke\, and I still like to travel.  International or states\, with 40 states and 4 continents traveled.  If I can do it\, you can do it too!!! \nGenevieve Richardson: Genevieve is the founder and owner of LIFE Speech Pathology\, a practice dedicated to bringing hope\, innovation\, and comprehensive support to the aphasia community. Visit to learn more. URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241107T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241107T140000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20240610T155906Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240610T160014Z SUMMARY:The Impact of Stress and Emotion on Speech and Swallow DESCRIPTION:The National Aphasia Association and Open Lines Speech and Communication PC presents a new online group: The Impact of Stress and Emotion on Speech and Swallow. This group offers specialized support for people with aphasia who experience increased difficulty with thinking\, processing\, speaking\, and/or swallowing when under stress or when feeling anxious\, frustrated\, depressed\, apathetic\, or other mental/emotional states. \n  \nThe Impact of Stress and Emotion on Speech and Swallow meets the first Thursday of the month at 1pm ET (10:00 AM PST). \n  \nTo register\, please fill out this form HERE. \nFor any questions about registration\, email \n  \n____________________________________________________________ \nMeet Your Host: \n\nDr. Jessica Galgano is a speech-language pathologist and the Founder and Executive Director of Open Lines Speech and Communication. Her personal experience growing up with a parent who suffered a combat-wounded Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) and severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) while serving in Vietnam drove her to master the art and science of neurological rehabilitation. She founded her visionary clinic\, Open Lines Speech and Communication\, on the principle that it is never too late to improve one’s speech-language and cognitive abilities. \n  \nDr. Galgano collaborates and consults with many prestigious and world-renown academic institutions. She advocates for political change including legislative policies that uphold individual rights\, supportive community services\, and access to skillful professionals across a person’s lifespan. She has developed and utilizes a unique approach that applies an array of evidence-based practices from a variety of disciplines to the field of speech-language pathology. \n  \nDr. Galgano’s professional experience reflects the highest standards of academic and clinical practice. She received her doctoral degree in Biobehavioral Sciences from Columbia University\, where she conducted research in the neural underpinnings of voice and speech using brain imaging modalities. Dr. Galgano is an LSVT LOUD® clinical expert and faculty instructor with LSVT Global\, Inc.\, for whom she regularly teaches and lectures about evidence-based intensive therapy programs for people with neurologically based communication disorders at major medical institutions in the US and worldwide. She is one of ten LSVT LOUD® faculty instructors in the world and the only LSVT LOUD® faculty instructor in clinical practice who is based in New York City. \n  \nDr. Galgano is proud to be an Executive Board Member of the the Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences\, an association that supports practitioners who serve individuals with neurologic communication disorders by providing education\, training\, and certification opportunities to promote high quality professional service. She also acts as Vice President and Treasurer of the Parkinson’s Unity Walk\, an organization dedicated to raising awareness and funds for research to find a cure for Parkinson’s disease. \n  \nDr. Galgano has held research scientist positions at NYU Langone School of Medicine and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and currently holds a faculty instructor position at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. She is an adjunct professor with NYU\, Columbia University\, Teachers College\, and San Francisco State University where she teaches graduate coursework in the areas of neurogenic communication disorders that result from acquired (e.g.\, stroke) and progressive neurological disease (e.g.\, Parkinson’s disease\, cognitive changes). \n  \nDr. Galgano has melded her research\, clinical\, and personal experience into a unique approach to treatment blends scientific rigor with deep listening and empathic inquiry; helping Open Lines’ clients cope with the day-to-day realities of communication challenges. Dr. Galgano is confident her integrated approach will help you meet your goals with confidence and dignity! \n  \nOpen Lines Speech and communication is located at 252 West 76th Street\, Suite 1A\, New York\, MY 10023. \nTo find out more about Open Lines Speech and Communication\, visit or call 212-430-6800. URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241111T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241111T170000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20231018T183731Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231127T160005Z SUMMARY:Black American Aphasia Conversation Group DESCRIPTION:The Black American Aphasia Conversation Group is a place for Black people with aphasia to share their stories\, provide support\, encourage meditative reflection\, and brainstorm ways to advocate for relevant policies. This diverse\, inclusive\, aphasia-friendly group will discuss the unique challenges and gifts we share due to our experiences with disability and race\, and is open to all who support its mission of creating an emotional refuge for Black persons living with aphasia. \n  \nThe Black American Aphasia Conversation Group will meet through Zoom the every other Monday at 4:00pm EST (1:00pm PST) . If you are interested in joining this group\, please complete the form HERE. The Zoom link will be sent out around 72 hours before each meeting. \n  \nIf you have any questions\, comments\, suggestions\, or need assistance signing up for this group\, please email URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241113T200000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241113T210000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20231101T161723Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231101T161723Z SUMMARY:Parenting With Aphasia DESCRIPTION:Parenting is no easy feat\, but can be particularly challenging when one parent has aphasia. Parenting with Aphasia meets virtually once a month\, inviting parents with kids of all ages to join together in a safe\, non-judgmental space to share experiences\, receive positive peer support\, and learn more about how other parents are navigating the highs and lows of modern-day parenting when aphasia is along for the ride. This group is for persons with aphasia. We plan to have sessions where both parents join\, but the majority of sessions will be for persons with aphasia. \nParenting with Aphasia will meet on the second Wednesday of every month at 8:00pm EST (5:00pm PST). \nSpace is limited. To join\, please register by clicking HERE. \n  \nIf you have any questions\, please email \n_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ \nMeet Your Host:\n  \nParenting with Aphasia is hosted by Lauren Schwabish\, M.S.\, CCC-SLP of Neuro Speech Services in Northern Virginia. \nLauren Schwabish M.S.\, CCC-SLP is the owner of Neuro Speech Services\, a private practice based in Northern Virginia\, specializing in person-centered assessment and treatment of cognitive-communicative disorders related to stroke\, brain injury\, concussion\, and other neurologic and neurodegenerative conditions. Lauren received her Bachelor of Science degree with Honors in Communicative Disorders from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and holds a master’s degree in communication sciences from Hunter College of the City University of New York. She is licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia and is a certified member of the American Speech Language Hearing Association. She has over 21 years of experience working in hospitals and acute rehabilitation centers and is passionate about providing meaningful and accessible health education about the brain to patients\, families\, and health care professionals. Lauren is an engaging public speaker on the topics of memory and thinking skills\, committed to empowering communities with evidence-based information and best practices in brain health behaviors. \n  \nTo learn more about Neuro Speech Services\, click HERE \n  URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241114T163000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241114T173000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20240415T141438Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240415T141439Z SUMMARY:Technology and Supports for Aphasia DESCRIPTION:We will demonstrate ways you can use technology and various applications to support people with aphasia and expand upon one’s current home program. We will go beyond just the apps “made for people with aphasia” and show you how to use the many options\, personalize them\, and tailor them to your needs so you can become more independent in your environment. \n  \nBrooke Lang and Bryn Bowles of Integrative Reconnective Aphasia Therapy lead this group. Starting in October\, the group will meet on the first Thursday of the month at 4:30 pm Eastern Time on Zoom. \n  \nEmail Sign-Up: \nMeet the Leaders\nBrooke\nBrooke Lang\, M.A.\, CCC-SLP is a Speech Language Pathologist and owner of Integrative Reconnective Aphasia Therapy\, specializing in the area of Aphasiology and Apraxia and providing telepractice services nationwide. \nBrooke previously served as a lead clinician in the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System’s intensive aphasia program (PIRATE)\, working under some of the most well-known Aphasia research professionals and Aphasiologists in the field of speech pathology. \nShe started Integrative Reconnective Aphasia Therapy in March of 2019\, where she works to develop personalized treatment plans and provides innovative aphasia therapy techniques that go beyond the traditional approaches\, applying both principles of neuroplasticity and evidence-based practice. \nBrooke also published a best-selling book\, titled “After Aphasia: A guide to rebuilding your\ncommunication after a stroke\,” a resource for individuals living with Aphasia\, caregivers\, and medical professionals. She has also written “Working Outside the Workbook\,” providing an opportunity for individuals and care partners to implement unique speech/language exercises outside of therapy sessions. \nBryn\nAt age 26\, Bryn Bowles was working in Alaska as a Critical Care Registered Nurse in the Intensive Care Unit and preparing for graduate school. \nOn May 20\, 2019\, Bryn ruptured an undiagnosed brain aneurysm\, spent 30 days as a patient in the ICU being cared for by colleagues\, undergoing 5 brain surgeries to save her life. She spent 3 months as an inpatient in neuro rehabilitation. \nHer recovery continues today as she lives with aphasia\, apraxia and paralysis. Bryn’s dreams have changed but her compassion for others remains steadfast\, words or no words. She has a strong desire to help people with Aphasia\, because she understands the frustrations and challenges they are going through.She currently is a group facilitator and mentor for people with Aphasia. URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241120T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241120T200000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20240530T191822Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240530T191822Z SUMMARY:Seated Yoga for Aphasia DESCRIPTION:This group starts with a guided meditation followed by a chair yoga class designed to promote relaxation. The class will end with open discussion about the experience. All ability levels are welcome! This group is led by Alycia Laks\, MS\, CCC-SLP\, RYT-200 and Hannah Herring\, DPT\, RYT-200 of District Adaptive Yoga. \nWe meet the third Wednesday of the month at 7 pm ET on Zoom. \nSpace is limited. Click to sign up by filling out the form. If you have comments or questions\, email \nMeet the Leaders\nAlycia Laks\, MS\, CCC-SLP\, RYT-200 and Hannah Herring\, PT\, DPT\, RYT-200 are co-owners of District Adaptive Yoga\, LLC. Alycia is a Speech-Language Pathologist and Registered Yoga Teacher. Hannah is a Physical Therapist and Registered Yoga Teacher. District Adaptive Yoga provides adaptive yoga services to people with neurologic conditions in the Washington\, DC area. For more information\, visit URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241125T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241125T170000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20231018T183731Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231127T160005Z SUMMARY:Black American Aphasia Conversation Group DESCRIPTION:The Black American Aphasia Conversation Group is a place for Black people with aphasia to share their stories\, provide support\, encourage meditative reflection\, and brainstorm ways to advocate for relevant policies. This diverse\, inclusive\, aphasia-friendly group will discuss the unique challenges and gifts we share due to our experiences with disability and race\, and is open to all who support its mission of creating an emotional refuge for Black persons living with aphasia. \n  \nThe Black American Aphasia Conversation Group will meet through Zoom the every other Monday at 4:00pm EST (1:00pm PST) . If you are interested in joining this group\, please complete the form HERE. The Zoom link will be sent out around 72 hours before each meeting. \n  \nIf you have any questions\, comments\, suggestions\, or need assistance signing up for this group\, please email URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241205T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241205T140000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20240610T155906Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240610T160014Z SUMMARY:The Impact of Stress and Emotion on Speech and Swallow DESCRIPTION:The National Aphasia Association and Open Lines Speech and Communication PC presents a new online group: The Impact of Stress and Emotion on Speech and Swallow. This group offers specialized support for people with aphasia who experience increased difficulty with thinking\, processing\, speaking\, and/or swallowing when under stress or when feeling anxious\, frustrated\, depressed\, apathetic\, or other mental/emotional states. \n  \nThe Impact of Stress and Emotion on Speech and Swallow meets the first Thursday of the month at 1pm ET (10:00 AM PST). \n  \nTo register\, please fill out this form HERE. \nFor any questions about registration\, email \n  \n____________________________________________________________ \nMeet Your Host: \n\nDr. Jessica Galgano is a speech-language pathologist and the Founder and Executive Director of Open Lines Speech and Communication. Her personal experience growing up with a parent who suffered a combat-wounded Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) and severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) while serving in Vietnam drove her to master the art and science of neurological rehabilitation. She founded her visionary clinic\, Open Lines Speech and Communication\, on the principle that it is never too late to improve one’s speech-language and cognitive abilities. \n  \nDr. Galgano collaborates and consults with many prestigious and world-renown academic institutions. She advocates for political change including legislative policies that uphold individual rights\, supportive community services\, and access to skillful professionals across a person’s lifespan. She has developed and utilizes a unique approach that applies an array of evidence-based practices from a variety of disciplines to the field of speech-language pathology. \n  \nDr. Galgano’s professional experience reflects the highest standards of academic and clinical practice. She received her doctoral degree in Biobehavioral Sciences from Columbia University\, where she conducted research in the neural underpinnings of voice and speech using brain imaging modalities. Dr. Galgano is an LSVT LOUD® clinical expert and faculty instructor with LSVT Global\, Inc.\, for whom she regularly teaches and lectures about evidence-based intensive therapy programs for people with neurologically based communication disorders at major medical institutions in the US and worldwide. She is one of ten LSVT LOUD® faculty instructors in the world and the only LSVT LOUD® faculty instructor in clinical practice who is based in New York City. \n  \nDr. Galgano is proud to be an Executive Board Member of the the Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences\, an association that supports practitioners who serve individuals with neurologic communication disorders by providing education\, training\, and certification opportunities to promote high quality professional service. She also acts as Vice President and Treasurer of the Parkinson’s Unity Walk\, an organization dedicated to raising awareness and funds for research to find a cure for Parkinson’s disease. \n  \nDr. Galgano has held research scientist positions at NYU Langone School of Medicine and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and currently holds a faculty instructor position at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. She is an adjunct professor with NYU\, Columbia University\, Teachers College\, and San Francisco State University where she teaches graduate coursework in the areas of neurogenic communication disorders that result from acquired (e.g.\, stroke) and progressive neurological disease (e.g.\, Parkinson’s disease\, cognitive changes). \n  \nDr. Galgano has melded her research\, clinical\, and personal experience into a unique approach to treatment blends scientific rigor with deep listening and empathic inquiry; helping Open Lines’ clients cope with the day-to-day realities of communication challenges. Dr. Galgano is confident her integrated approach will help you meet your goals with confidence and dignity! \n  \nOpen Lines Speech and communication is located at 252 West 76th Street\, Suite 1A\, New York\, MY 10023. \nTo find out more about Open Lines Speech and Communication\, visit or call 212-430-6800. URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241206T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241206T140000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20240606T182454Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240606T182454Z SUMMARY:Journey Through Speech Conversation Group DESCRIPTION:Group: Journey Through Speech\nTopic: Learn about travel and culture as we share facts\, stories\, and photos.\nLeaders: Craig Smith and Genevieve Richardson\nWhen: The first Friday of each month from 1-2pm EST\nWhere: We meet virtually on Zoom\nHow: Please fill out THIS FORM to be added to the email list. We will send a reminder and the Zoom link before each meeting. \n  \nMeet your group leaders: \nCraig Smith: 20 years ago I have had aphasia or stroke\, and I still like to travel.  International or states\, with 40 states and 4 continents traveled.  If I can do it\, you can do it too!!! \nGenevieve Richardson: Genevieve is the founder and owner of LIFE Speech Pathology\, a practice dedicated to bringing hope\, innovation\, and comprehensive support to the aphasia community. Visit to learn more. URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241209T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241209T170000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20231018T183731Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231127T160005Z SUMMARY:Black American Aphasia Conversation Group DESCRIPTION:The Black American Aphasia Conversation Group is a place for Black people with aphasia to share their stories\, provide support\, encourage meditative reflection\, and brainstorm ways to advocate for relevant policies. This diverse\, inclusive\, aphasia-friendly group will discuss the unique challenges and gifts we share due to our experiences with disability and race\, and is open to all who support its mission of creating an emotional refuge for Black persons living with aphasia. \n  \nThe Black American Aphasia Conversation Group will meet through Zoom the every other Monday at 4:00pm EST (1:00pm PST) . If you are interested in joining this group\, please complete the form HERE. The Zoom link will be sent out around 72 hours before each meeting. \n  \nIf you have any questions\, comments\, suggestions\, or need assistance signing up for this group\, please email URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241211T200000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241211T210000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20231101T161723Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231101T161723Z SUMMARY:Parenting With Aphasia DESCRIPTION:Parenting is no easy feat\, but can be particularly challenging when one parent has aphasia. Parenting with Aphasia meets virtually once a month\, inviting parents with kids of all ages to join together in a safe\, non-judgmental space to share experiences\, receive positive peer support\, and learn more about how other parents are navigating the highs and lows of modern-day parenting when aphasia is along for the ride. This group is for persons with aphasia. We plan to have sessions where both parents join\, but the majority of sessions will be for persons with aphasia. \nParenting with Aphasia will meet on the second Wednesday of every month at 8:00pm EST (5:00pm PST). \nSpace is limited. To join\, please register by clicking HERE. \n  \nIf you have any questions\, please email \n_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ \nMeet Your Host:\n  \nParenting with Aphasia is hosted by Lauren Schwabish\, M.S.\, CCC-SLP of Neuro Speech Services in Northern Virginia. \nLauren Schwabish M.S.\, CCC-SLP is the owner of Neuro Speech Services\, a private practice based in Northern Virginia\, specializing in person-centered assessment and treatment of cognitive-communicative disorders related to stroke\, brain injury\, concussion\, and other neurologic and neurodegenerative conditions. Lauren received her Bachelor of Science degree with Honors in Communicative Disorders from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and holds a master’s degree in communication sciences from Hunter College of the City University of New York. She is licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia and is a certified member of the American Speech Language Hearing Association. She has over 21 years of experience working in hospitals and acute rehabilitation centers and is passionate about providing meaningful and accessible health education about the brain to patients\, families\, and health care professionals. Lauren is an engaging public speaker on the topics of memory and thinking skills\, committed to empowering communities with evidence-based information and best practices in brain health behaviors. \n  \nTo learn more about Neuro Speech Services\, click HERE \n  URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241212T163000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241212T173000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20240415T141438Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240415T141439Z SUMMARY:Technology and Supports for Aphasia DESCRIPTION:We will demonstrate ways you can use technology and various applications to support people with aphasia and expand upon one’s current home program. We will go beyond just the apps “made for people with aphasia” and show you how to use the many options\, personalize them\, and tailor them to your needs so you can become more independent in your environment. \n  \nBrooke Lang and Bryn Bowles of Integrative Reconnective Aphasia Therapy lead this group. Starting in October\, the group will meet on the first Thursday of the month at 4:30 pm Eastern Time on Zoom. \n  \nEmail Sign-Up: \nMeet the Leaders\nBrooke\nBrooke Lang\, M.A.\, CCC-SLP is a Speech Language Pathologist and owner of Integrative Reconnective Aphasia Therapy\, specializing in the area of Aphasiology and Apraxia and providing telepractice services nationwide. \nBrooke previously served as a lead clinician in the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System’s intensive aphasia program (PIRATE)\, working under some of the most well-known Aphasia research professionals and Aphasiologists in the field of speech pathology. \nShe started Integrative Reconnective Aphasia Therapy in March of 2019\, where she works to develop personalized treatment plans and provides innovative aphasia therapy techniques that go beyond the traditional approaches\, applying both principles of neuroplasticity and evidence-based practice. \nBrooke also published a best-selling book\, titled “After Aphasia: A guide to rebuilding your\ncommunication after a stroke\,” a resource for individuals living with Aphasia\, caregivers\, and medical professionals. She has also written “Working Outside the Workbook\,” providing an opportunity for individuals and care partners to implement unique speech/language exercises outside of therapy sessions. \nBryn\nAt age 26\, Bryn Bowles was working in Alaska as a Critical Care Registered Nurse in the Intensive Care Unit and preparing for graduate school. \nOn May 20\, 2019\, Bryn ruptured an undiagnosed brain aneurysm\, spent 30 days as a patient in the ICU being cared for by colleagues\, undergoing 5 brain surgeries to save her life. She spent 3 months as an inpatient in neuro rehabilitation. \nHer recovery continues today as she lives with aphasia\, apraxia and paralysis. Bryn’s dreams have changed but her compassion for others remains steadfast\, words or no words. She has a strong desire to help people with Aphasia\, because she understands the frustrations and challenges they are going through.She currently is a group facilitator and mentor for people with Aphasia. URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241218T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241218T200000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20240530T191822Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240530T191822Z SUMMARY:Seated Yoga for Aphasia DESCRIPTION:This group starts with a guided meditation followed by a chair yoga class designed to promote relaxation. The class will end with open discussion about the experience. All ability levels are welcome! This group is led by Alycia Laks\, MS\, CCC-SLP\, RYT-200 and Hannah Herring\, DPT\, RYT-200 of District Adaptive Yoga. \nWe meet the third Wednesday of the month at 7 pm ET on Zoom. \nSpace is limited. Click to sign up by filling out the form. If you have comments or questions\, email \nMeet the Leaders\nAlycia Laks\, MS\, CCC-SLP\, RYT-200 and Hannah Herring\, PT\, DPT\, RYT-200 are co-owners of District Adaptive Yoga\, LLC. Alycia is a Speech-Language Pathologist and Registered Yoga Teacher. Hannah is a Physical Therapist and Registered Yoga Teacher. District Adaptive Yoga provides adaptive yoga services to people with neurologic conditions in the Washington\, DC area. For more information\, visit URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241223T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241223T170000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20231018T183731Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231127T160005Z SUMMARY:Black American Aphasia Conversation Group DESCRIPTION:The Black American Aphasia Conversation Group is a place for Black people with aphasia to share their stories\, provide support\, encourage meditative reflection\, and brainstorm ways to advocate for relevant policies. This diverse\, inclusive\, aphasia-friendly group will discuss the unique challenges and gifts we share due to our experiences with disability and race\, and is open to all who support its mission of creating an emotional refuge for Black persons living with aphasia. \n  \nThe Black American Aphasia Conversation Group will meet through Zoom the every other Monday at 4:00pm EST (1:00pm PST) . If you are interested in joining this group\, please complete the form HERE. The Zoom link will be sent out around 72 hours before each meeting. \n  \nIf you have any questions\, comments\, suggestions\, or need assistance signing up for this group\, please email URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250102T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250102T140000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20240610T155906Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240610T160014Z SUMMARY:The Impact of Stress and Emotion on Speech and Swallow DESCRIPTION:The National Aphasia Association and Open Lines Speech and Communication PC presents a new online group: The Impact of Stress and Emotion on Speech and Swallow. This group offers specialized support for people with aphasia who experience increased difficulty with thinking\, processing\, speaking\, and/or swallowing when under stress or when feeling anxious\, frustrated\, depressed\, apathetic\, or other mental/emotional states. \n  \nThe Impact of Stress and Emotion on Speech and Swallow meets the first Thursday of the month at 1pm ET (10:00 AM PST). \n  \nTo register\, please fill out this form HERE. \nFor any questions about registration\, email \n  \n____________________________________________________________ \nMeet Your Host: \n\nDr. Jessica Galgano is a speech-language pathologist and the Founder and Executive Director of Open Lines Speech and Communication. Her personal experience growing up with a parent who suffered a combat-wounded Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) and severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) while serving in Vietnam drove her to master the art and science of neurological rehabilitation. She founded her visionary clinic\, Open Lines Speech and Communication\, on the principle that it is never too late to improve one’s speech-language and cognitive abilities. \n  \nDr. Galgano collaborates and consults with many prestigious and world-renown academic institutions. She advocates for political change including legislative policies that uphold individual rights\, supportive community services\, and access to skillful professionals across a person’s lifespan. She has developed and utilizes a unique approach that applies an array of evidence-based practices from a variety of disciplines to the field of speech-language pathology. \n  \nDr. Galgano’s professional experience reflects the highest standards of academic and clinical practice. She received her doctoral degree in Biobehavioral Sciences from Columbia University\, where she conducted research in the neural underpinnings of voice and speech using brain imaging modalities. Dr. Galgano is an LSVT LOUD® clinical expert and faculty instructor with LSVT Global\, Inc.\, for whom she regularly teaches and lectures about evidence-based intensive therapy programs for people with neurologically based communication disorders at major medical institutions in the US and worldwide. She is one of ten LSVT LOUD® faculty instructors in the world and the only LSVT LOUD® faculty instructor in clinical practice who is based in New York City. \n  \nDr. Galgano is proud to be an Executive Board Member of the the Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences\, an association that supports practitioners who serve individuals with neurologic communication disorders by providing education\, training\, and certification opportunities to promote high quality professional service. She also acts as Vice President and Treasurer of the Parkinson’s Unity Walk\, an organization dedicated to raising awareness and funds for research to find a cure for Parkinson’s disease. \n  \nDr. Galgano has held research scientist positions at NYU Langone School of Medicine and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and currently holds a faculty instructor position at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. She is an adjunct professor with NYU\, Columbia University\, Teachers College\, and San Francisco State University where she teaches graduate coursework in the areas of neurogenic communication disorders that result from acquired (e.g.\, stroke) and progressive neurological disease (e.g.\, Parkinson’s disease\, cognitive changes). \n  \nDr. Galgano has melded her research\, clinical\, and personal experience into a unique approach to treatment blends scientific rigor with deep listening and empathic inquiry; helping Open Lines’ clients cope with the day-to-day realities of communication challenges. Dr. Galgano is confident her integrated approach will help you meet your goals with confidence and dignity! \n  \nOpen Lines Speech and communication is located at 252 West 76th Street\, Suite 1A\, New York\, MY 10023. \nTo find out more about Open Lines Speech and Communication\, visit or call 212-430-6800. URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250103T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250103T140000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20240606T182454Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240606T182454Z SUMMARY:Journey Through Speech Conversation Group DESCRIPTION:Group: Journey Through Speech\nTopic: Learn about travel and culture as we share facts\, stories\, and photos.\nLeaders: Craig Smith and Genevieve Richardson\nWhen: The first Friday of each month from 1-2pm EST\nWhere: We meet virtually on Zoom\nHow: Please fill out THIS FORM to be added to the email list. We will send a reminder and the Zoom link before each meeting. \n  \nMeet your group leaders: \nCraig Smith: 20 years ago I have had aphasia or stroke\, and I still like to travel.  International or states\, with 40 states and 4 continents traveled.  If I can do it\, you can do it too!!! \nGenevieve Richardson: Genevieve is the founder and owner of LIFE Speech Pathology\, a practice dedicated to bringing hope\, innovation\, and comprehensive support to the aphasia community. Visit to learn more. URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250106T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250106T170000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20231018T183731Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231127T160005Z SUMMARY:Black American Aphasia Conversation Group DESCRIPTION:The Black American Aphasia Conversation Group is a place for Black people with aphasia to share their stories\, provide support\, encourage meditative reflection\, and brainstorm ways to advocate for relevant policies. This diverse\, inclusive\, aphasia-friendly group will discuss the unique challenges and gifts we share due to our experiences with disability and race\, and is open to all who support its mission of creating an emotional refuge for Black persons living with aphasia. \n  \nThe Black American Aphasia Conversation Group will meet through Zoom the every other Monday at 4:00pm EST (1:00pm PST) . If you are interested in joining this group\, please complete the form HERE. The Zoom link will be sent out around 72 hours before each meeting. \n  \nIf you have any questions\, comments\, suggestions\, or need assistance signing up for this group\, please email URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250108T200000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250108T210000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20231101T161723Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231101T161723Z SUMMARY:Parenting With Aphasia DESCRIPTION:Parenting is no easy feat\, but can be particularly challenging when one parent has aphasia. Parenting with Aphasia meets virtually once a month\, inviting parents with kids of all ages to join together in a safe\, non-judgmental space to share experiences\, receive positive peer support\, and learn more about how other parents are navigating the highs and lows of modern-day parenting when aphasia is along for the ride. This group is for persons with aphasia. We plan to have sessions where both parents join\, but the majority of sessions will be for persons with aphasia. \nParenting with Aphasia will meet on the second Wednesday of every month at 8:00pm EST (5:00pm PST). \nSpace is limited. To join\, please register by clicking HERE. \n  \nIf you have any questions\, please email \n_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ \nMeet Your Host:\n  \nParenting with Aphasia is hosted by Lauren Schwabish\, M.S.\, CCC-SLP of Neuro Speech Services in Northern Virginia. \nLauren Schwabish M.S.\, CCC-SLP is the owner of Neuro Speech Services\, a private practice based in Northern Virginia\, specializing in person-centered assessment and treatment of cognitive-communicative disorders related to stroke\, brain injury\, concussion\, and other neurologic and neurodegenerative conditions. Lauren received her Bachelor of Science degree with Honors in Communicative Disorders from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and holds a master’s degree in communication sciences from Hunter College of the City University of New York. She is licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia and is a certified member of the American Speech Language Hearing Association. She has over 21 years of experience working in hospitals and acute rehabilitation centers and is passionate about providing meaningful and accessible health education about the brain to patients\, families\, and health care professionals. Lauren is an engaging public speaker on the topics of memory and thinking skills\, committed to empowering communities with evidence-based information and best practices in brain health behaviors. \n  \nTo learn more about Neuro Speech Services\, click HERE \n  URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250109T163000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250109T173000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20240415T141438Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240415T141439Z SUMMARY:Technology and Supports for Aphasia DESCRIPTION:We will demonstrate ways you can use technology and various applications to support people with aphasia and expand upon one’s current home program. We will go beyond just the apps “made for people with aphasia” and show you how to use the many options\, personalize them\, and tailor them to your needs so you can become more independent in your environment. \n  \nBrooke Lang and Bryn Bowles of Integrative Reconnective Aphasia Therapy lead this group. Starting in October\, the group will meet on the first Thursday of the month at 4:30 pm Eastern Time on Zoom. \n  \nEmail Sign-Up: \nMeet the Leaders\nBrooke\nBrooke Lang\, M.A.\, CCC-SLP is a Speech Language Pathologist and owner of Integrative Reconnective Aphasia Therapy\, specializing in the area of Aphasiology and Apraxia and providing telepractice services nationwide. \nBrooke previously served as a lead clinician in the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System’s intensive aphasia program (PIRATE)\, working under some of the most well-known Aphasia research professionals and Aphasiologists in the field of speech pathology. \nShe started Integrative Reconnective Aphasia Therapy in March of 2019\, where she works to develop personalized treatment plans and provides innovative aphasia therapy techniques that go beyond the traditional approaches\, applying both principles of neuroplasticity and evidence-based practice. \nBrooke also published a best-selling book\, titled “After Aphasia: A guide to rebuilding your\ncommunication after a stroke\,” a resource for individuals living with Aphasia\, caregivers\, and medical professionals. She has also written “Working Outside the Workbook\,” providing an opportunity for individuals and care partners to implement unique speech/language exercises outside of therapy sessions. \nBryn\nAt age 26\, Bryn Bowles was working in Alaska as a Critical Care Registered Nurse in the Intensive Care Unit and preparing for graduate school. \nOn May 20\, 2019\, Bryn ruptured an undiagnosed brain aneurysm\, spent 30 days as a patient in the ICU being cared for by colleagues\, undergoing 5 brain surgeries to save her life. She spent 3 months as an inpatient in neuro rehabilitation. \nHer recovery continues today as she lives with aphasia\, apraxia and paralysis. Bryn’s dreams have changed but her compassion for others remains steadfast\, words or no words. She has a strong desire to help people with Aphasia\, because she understands the frustrations and challenges they are going through.She currently is a group facilitator and mentor for people with Aphasia. URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250115T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250115T200000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20240530T191822Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240530T191822Z SUMMARY:Seated Yoga for Aphasia DESCRIPTION:This group starts with a guided meditation followed by a chair yoga class designed to promote relaxation. The class will end with open discussion about the experience. All ability levels are welcome! This group is led by Alycia Laks\, MS\, CCC-SLP\, RYT-200 and Hannah Herring\, DPT\, RYT-200 of District Adaptive Yoga. \nWe meet the third Wednesday of the month at 7 pm ET on Zoom. \nSpace is limited. Click to sign up by filling out the form. If you have comments or questions\, email \nMeet the Leaders\nAlycia Laks\, MS\, CCC-SLP\, RYT-200 and Hannah Herring\, PT\, DPT\, RYT-200 are co-owners of District Adaptive Yoga\, LLC. Alycia is a Speech-Language Pathologist and Registered Yoga Teacher. Hannah is a Physical Therapist and Registered Yoga Teacher. District Adaptive Yoga provides adaptive yoga services to people with neurologic conditions in the Washington\, DC area. For more information\, visit URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250120T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250120T170000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20231018T183731Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231127T160005Z SUMMARY:Black American Aphasia Conversation Group DESCRIPTION:The Black American Aphasia Conversation Group is a place for Black people with aphasia to share their stories\, provide support\, encourage meditative reflection\, and brainstorm ways to advocate for relevant policies. This diverse\, inclusive\, aphasia-friendly group will discuss the unique challenges and gifts we share due to our experiences with disability and race\, and is open to all who support its mission of creating an emotional refuge for Black persons living with aphasia. \n  \nThe Black American Aphasia Conversation Group will meet through Zoom the every other Monday at 4:00pm EST (1:00pm PST) . If you are interested in joining this group\, please complete the form HERE. The Zoom link will be sent out around 72 hours before each meeting. \n  \nIf you have any questions\, comments\, suggestions\, or need assistance signing up for this group\, please email URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250203T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250203T170000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20231018T183731Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231127T160005Z SUMMARY:Black American Aphasia Conversation Group DESCRIPTION:The Black American Aphasia Conversation Group is a place for Black people with aphasia to share their stories\, provide support\, encourage meditative reflection\, and brainstorm ways to advocate for relevant policies. This diverse\, inclusive\, aphasia-friendly group will discuss the unique challenges and gifts we share due to our experiences with disability and race\, and is open to all who support its mission of creating an emotional refuge for Black persons living with aphasia. \n  \nThe Black American Aphasia Conversation Group will meet through Zoom the every other Monday at 4:00pm EST (1:00pm PST) . If you are interested in joining this group\, please complete the form HERE. The Zoom link will be sent out around 72 hours before each meeting. \n  \nIf you have any questions\, comments\, suggestions\, or need assistance signing up for this group\, please email URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250206T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250206T140000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20240610T155906Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240610T160014Z SUMMARY:The Impact of Stress and Emotion on Speech and Swallow DESCRIPTION:The National Aphasia Association and Open Lines Speech and Communication PC presents a new online group: The Impact of Stress and Emotion on Speech and Swallow. This group offers specialized support for people with aphasia who experience increased difficulty with thinking\, processing\, speaking\, and/or swallowing when under stress or when feeling anxious\, frustrated\, depressed\, apathetic\, or other mental/emotional states. \n  \nThe Impact of Stress and Emotion on Speech and Swallow meets the first Thursday of the month at 1pm ET (10:00 AM PST). \n  \nTo register\, please fill out this form HERE. \nFor any questions about registration\, email \n  \n____________________________________________________________ \nMeet Your Host: \n\nDr. Jessica Galgano is a speech-language pathologist and the Founder and Executive Director of Open Lines Speech and Communication. Her personal experience growing up with a parent who suffered a combat-wounded Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) and severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) while serving in Vietnam drove her to master the art and science of neurological rehabilitation. She founded her visionary clinic\, Open Lines Speech and Communication\, on the principle that it is never too late to improve one’s speech-language and cognitive abilities. \n  \nDr. Galgano collaborates and consults with many prestigious and world-renown academic institutions. She advocates for political change including legislative policies that uphold individual rights\, supportive community services\, and access to skillful professionals across a person’s lifespan. She has developed and utilizes a unique approach that applies an array of evidence-based practices from a variety of disciplines to the field of speech-language pathology. \n  \nDr. Galgano’s professional experience reflects the highest standards of academic and clinical practice. She received her doctoral degree in Biobehavioral Sciences from Columbia University\, where she conducted research in the neural underpinnings of voice and speech using brain imaging modalities. Dr. Galgano is an LSVT LOUD® clinical expert and faculty instructor with LSVT Global\, Inc.\, for whom she regularly teaches and lectures about evidence-based intensive therapy programs for people with neurologically based communication disorders at major medical institutions in the US and worldwide. She is one of ten LSVT LOUD® faculty instructors in the world and the only LSVT LOUD® faculty instructor in clinical practice who is based in New York City. \n  \nDr. Galgano is proud to be an Executive Board Member of the the Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences\, an association that supports practitioners who serve individuals with neurologic communication disorders by providing education\, training\, and certification opportunities to promote high quality professional service. She also acts as Vice President and Treasurer of the Parkinson’s Unity Walk\, an organization dedicated to raising awareness and funds for research to find a cure for Parkinson’s disease. \n  \nDr. Galgano has held research scientist positions at NYU Langone School of Medicine and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and currently holds a faculty instructor position at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. She is an adjunct professor with NYU\, Columbia University\, Teachers College\, and San Francisco State University where she teaches graduate coursework in the areas of neurogenic communication disorders that result from acquired (e.g.\, stroke) and progressive neurological disease (e.g.\, Parkinson’s disease\, cognitive changes). \n  \nDr. Galgano has melded her research\, clinical\, and personal experience into a unique approach to treatment blends scientific rigor with deep listening and empathic inquiry; helping Open Lines’ clients cope with the day-to-day realities of communication challenges. Dr. Galgano is confident her integrated approach will help you meet your goals with confidence and dignity! \n  \nOpen Lines Speech and communication is located at 252 West 76th Street\, Suite 1A\, New York\, MY 10023. \nTo find out more about Open Lines Speech and Communication\, visit or call 212-430-6800. URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250207T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250207T140000 DTSTAMP:20240614T054955 CREATED:20240606T182454Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240606T182454Z SUMMARY:Journey Through Speech Conversation Group DESCRIPTION:Group: Journey Through Speech\nTopic: Learn about travel and culture as we share facts\, stories\, and photos.\nLeaders: Craig Smith and Genevieve Richardson\nWhen: The first Friday of each month from 1-2pm EST\nWhere: We meet virtually on Zoom\nHow: Please fill out THIS FORM to be added to the email list. We will send a reminder and the Zoom link before each meeting. \n  \nMeet your group leaders: \nCraig Smith: 20 years ago I have had aphasia or stroke\, and I still like to travel.  International or states\, with 40 states and 4 continents traveled.  If I can do it\, you can do it too!!! \nGenevieve Richardson: Genevieve is the founder and owner of LIFE Speech Pathology\, a practice dedicated to bringing hope\, innovation\, and comprehensive support to the aphasia community. Visit to learn more. URL: CATEGORIES:Digital Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR