We are thrilled you want to help us spread our Aphasia Awareness Month 2023 message. Feel free to take any images or text from this page to share with others. You have the National Aphasia Association’s permission.

Big Logo

Download the big logo by clicking this link, right-clicking the image, and saving it to your computer.

2023's Aphasia Awareness Month in June

Small Logo

Download the small logo by clicking this link, right-clicking the image, and saving it to your computer.

Aphasia Awareness Month 2023

Text to Copy

Cut and paste this message, placing it on social media, newsletters, or emails.

June is Aphasia Awareness Month. Aphasia-friendly communication is just good communication for everyone. Let’s #TalkAboutAphasia and make the world a more understanding place: https://bit.ly/talkaboutaphasia2023

Links to Use

Please use these links if you share our landing page or the Aphasia Awareness Month 2023 video.

Landing page: https://bit.ly/talkaboutaphasia2023
Video: https://bit.ly/aphasiacommunication

Hashtag to Use
